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Fun at the Beach

What Is Coaching?  
Is It For You? 

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Performance, Life Purpose, Life Planning, Transitions, Executive Leadership, Personal Development

Creating sustainable change as the result of gaining different perspectives, insights and learnings is what coaching is all about. Each one of us is exquisite, possessing unique gifts, talent and promise that we bring to our personal life‘s journey. When events, situations or setbacks present challenges that are difficult to navigate, a coaching partnership provides support to gain clarity and a plan of action to move forward.

Beach Party

COR.E Energy Coaching , developed by Bruce D. Schneider, PhD, M.C.C, involves a series of conversations and a thought provoking and creative process that helps bring out the potential of clients by emotionally connecting inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies to bring about extraordinary and sustainable results. 

Discover Your Potential and Step Forward Into Your Brilliance.

Bringing your potential to life is our mission
Life Forward Sun

Contact Marguerite

Interesting in seeing if working with Marguerite is right for you? 

Contact her to find out.

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