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"Maggie represents the essence of what coaching embodies. She promotes clients seeing the new possibilities and opportunities in themselves. She is a Coach Centric Leader who makes connections, empowers, enlivens and helps others see
their greatness. As a professional colleague and friend, she has done this for me and will do this for you. I offer my highest endorsement for Maggie; your life will begin to transform after your very first conversation.”


Matthew H.

Rochester, MN

"I had the pleasure of working with Maggie for 3 months. After our first session together, it was clear that Maggie had the ability to listen, hold space, and ask questions that would expand my

Throughout our time together I encountered a number of different challenges and Maggie made it easy to show up to the space with them. Her kindness, care, & genuine personality
created a safe space for me to be me, I knew there was no judgement, and this made me feel empowered & confident. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to work so closely with
Maggie and can not say enough positive things about our experience together.

Maggie also administered an ELI-Assessment debrief with me and the way she threads her knowledge of the 7 energy levels with my own personal experience is something I continue to reflect on. I highly recommend you invest in yourself by either working with Maggie 1 on 1 or taking the Energy Leadership Assessment and having her debrief you. Either of those experiences will transform your life for the better and you will begin to live a life that is in alignment with your Truth."

Chris P.
Worcester, MA

Sunset Horizon

Working with Marguerite  as a peer coach has really helped me find a way forward.

Her gentle and positive approach to life I find inspiring.

Marguerite  is a gifted listener and has a beautifully positive  perspective  that helped me find confidence  in my abilities when I was doubting my gifts.

I respect her considerable  talent in life coaching and I admire her abilities of intuition  and  vision and ability to empower her clients, myself included.

I highly recommend  you try life coaching with her. It will help you find your footing on treacherous inner terrain.


Kaaren R.

Rochester, NY

"Maggie has been my coach since March, 2022. I would describe Maggie as a breath of fresh air. Her ability to listen to me with focus, allow space to explore my thoughts and feelings without judgment, and thoughtfully guide me through to a place of calm and relief has been incredibly valuable in my own personal and professional development. I highly recommend Maggie for a coaching/client partnership."



Denver, CO

Shaping Glass

- Timothy Gallwey

Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance   It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them

Life Forward Sun

Contact Marguerite

Interesting in seeing if working with Marguerite is right for you? 

Contact Marguerite to find out.

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