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Life Coaching
Mountain climber on peak

Life is a journey - we live - we grow - we evolve.


What is important to you?


Who are you and what is your real purpose in life?


The answers to these questions impact your decisions and the paths you take on your life's journey. 


Partnering with a coach creates a space for self-awareness, and time for you to focus on you what is truly important to you.


“If you want to be happy put your effort into controlling the sail not the wind”

- Anonymous
Business Meeting
Biker on Mountain Top

Learn to be a master – a person who lives by a unique process and a desire to continually learn and grow and develop into their personal best.

Life Forward partners with you in achieving your goals and creating the life you have always dreamed of.


-With a mastery and growth mindset you can the best you can be.


Life can take unexpected turn of events – some can be major and others minor. Whether you are beginning or ending a relationship, changing careers, experiencing a loss of a loved one or loss of health, change can be difficult to navigate. 

When change occurs we have two options: we can react or we can choose to respond.


We all have inner and outer aspects or influencers that can help or hinder a transition.  Coaching helps you understand and learn how to handle and address the influencers that are holding you back from moving forward.


Transition means moving from where you are to where you want to be.


Let's partner to move forward with confidence and courage to the next chapter on your life journey.

Walk on the Beach

“We cannot choose our external circumstances but we can always choose
how we respond to them”

– Epictetus
ELI Assessment

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) measures your energetic profile and stress reaction. It reveals the specific filters you’ve developed and how they are influencing your life. It uncovers thinking and perceptions that might be creating stress or holding you back.


The ability to achieve success, happiness, and purpose happens when we are able to recognize and release internal challenges and blocks that hinder our progress.


May 2018: Forbes ranked the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, third among best “Assessments Every Executive Should Take”, to help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.


If you are interested in taking the assessment to learn more about your filters, energy levels, please contact me today.

Life Coaching

Who are you? 

What do you want?

What do you want to achieve?

What would you like to change? 

These are powerful questions that define who you are, how you show up every day and lead to life satisfaction and happiness.

The International Coaching  Federation defines coaching as:
“Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential “

We partner with you to establish a schedule of  sessions and meaningful conversations around where you want to be and your desired goals. Each session we will establish a meaningful outcome towards your overarching goal. The process is effective, powerful and transformational.


Let us partner with you to bring your potential to life.

Life Purpose
Life Purpose
Executive Coaching
Leadership and Executive Coaching

If you are looking to develop your leadership skills –

It’s time to consciously choose how you want to lead –

Leadership takes place by default or choice.


Those who lead by default are reactive and let their natural tendencies– their perceptions, habits, routines, and past experiences–create their results and their environment. 

Those who lead by choice  respond and operate without limitation, hesitation, or doubt, and with contagious energy,
extraordinary passion, tremendous drive, and confidence. 


Conscious choice of how you show up and how you lead yields amazing results for you, your team and your

Let us partner with you to develop leadership and success.

ELI Assessment
Life Forward Sun

Contact Marguerite

Interesting in seeing if working with Marguerite is right for you? 

Contact her to find out.

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