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“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

- Gandhi

Marguerite B. Rodden, 

Life Coach


About Me

Marguerite B. Rodden

Life Coach

Hi, I am Marguerite ("Maggie") Rodden.  

I am the principal of Life Forward, LLC and Life Coach.


When you look at things in a new way and you know you have the power of choice, the journey becomes exciting. Challenges turn into new opportunities for growth and happiness.  


Coaching and mentoring have had a profound and transformational impact for me both personally and professionally bringing out the best in me.​ I worked in corporate and non-profit settings – mainly in healthcare management and advocacy – with a focus on supporting growth and leadership. 


Having the support of a coach when I experienced  setbacks or felt stuck, challenged me to reflect on what was holding me back and enabled me to focus on what was most important - helping others.  With a change in thought and a shift of energy, my outlook and perspective, I followed the path to the career that was perfectly suite to me-  coaching.


As I work with clients, I am inspired by their curiosity to explore what it is that they truly want and their courage to change.    


Let's move forward together in creating the life you want and deserve. 



To Life Forward, LLC


Step Into Your Brilliance 


Tap Into Your True Potential


With Greater Awareness


And Conscious Choice

Specializing in Life Purpose, Leadership,
Executive Coaching,  Performance, Transitions


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Life Coaching

Are you ready to discover new possibilities and enhance your ability to tap into your creativity to achieve your goals?   

Let's partner to bring your potential to life to reach your goals and live your life with the success and happiness you deserve.

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Life Purpose

Who are you?

Coaching provides space for you to focus on this question and what you really want -  creating greater self-awareness, energy and conscious choice that lead to lasting change,  success and greater life satisfaction.

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Executive Coaching

Leadership takes place by choice or by default. Coach Centric Leaders lead by conscious choice and have a mastery growth mindset which yields amazing results for you, your team and your organization. 


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Life Forward partners with you in bringing your potential to life. A coaching partnership allows you to focus on your goals and your personal success formula to move forward confidently.

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Change happens to all of us and life can take unexpected turn of events – some major and some minor - some are planned and others take us by surprise.  Transition means moving from where you are to where you want to be. 


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ELI Assessment

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment (ELI) is a coaching tool that quantifies energy levels based on perception. It takes the abstract concept of perception and displays it a more concrete way.

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Marguerite B. Rodden,


Life Coach

Life Forward, LLC

Phone or text: 302-648-7020


© 2035 by Brand Accomplished.

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